The Madison plasma dynamo experiment (MPDX) is a novel, versatile, basic plasma research device designed to investigate flow driven magnetohydrodynamic instabilities and other high-β phenomena with astrophysically relevant parameters. A 3 m diameter vacuum vessel is lined with 36 rings of alternately oriented 4 G samarium cobalt magnets, which create an axisymmetric…
Scientists learn about distant objects by measuring the properties that we can observe directly—by detecting emissions from the objects. The most common measurements are of electromagnetic, extending from, through visible wavelengths to high energy gamma rays. Each time a class of objects has been studied in a new wavelength region, astrophysicists gain insights…
It is not a secret that science is regarded as the most difficult subject by American students, whose knowledge of science, unfortunately, does not meet international standards in most cases. This dangerous situation has not changed much in the last couple of decades, even though many different educational plans and projects have been proposed. The objective…
Although astrophysics is considered to be a theoretical science, information technologies are widely used in the field as they provide scientists with numerous benefits, including, but not limited to, data acquisition and processing, data reduction and analysis, archiving, prototypes and simulations creation and so on.
PROGRAM GUIDELINES Important Information for Proposers A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 17-1), is effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 30, 2017. Please be advised that, depending on the specified due date, the guidelines contained in NSF 17-1 may apply to proposals…
You will study compulsory physics courses and maths courses. Physics 1A presents the pillars of physics upon which subsequent material is based and will develop your problem solving and study skills. It is innovative in its use of technology and offers an interactive learning experience. Physics 1B introduces you to a wide range of physics topics, including waves…
First off, you have to study advanced physics and mathematics. Now, you can either sit in competitive exams and get a good rank, or pursue higher education in reputed institutes until you get a Ph.D. Your current course won t be an obstacle. By first year, I think you mean intermediate or class XI. If yes, then it s perfect. If you mean B.Sc., then it s still…
NASA and the community are interested in providing appropriate input to the 2020 Decadal Survey regarding medium-size mission concepts, also referred to as Astrophysics Probe concepts. To this end, NASA is soliciting proposals to conduct mission concept studies for Astrophysics Probe missions. Following peer review of the proposed mission concept studies, NASA…
The Division of Astronomy & Astrophysics is part of the Department of Physics & Astronomy, one of several Physical Sciences departments in the College of Letters & Sciences at UCLA. Our faculty conduct landmark theoretical research ranging from the quark to the cosmos. These diverse areas of exploration make the UCLA Astronomy &…
The members of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Division all carry out active research programs garnering widespread international recognition in observation, theory, and instrumentation. Doctoral students participate in a variety of research projects, which frequently incorporate observations with the world s largest ground-based telescopes such as the 10-meter…