School of Earth and Space Exploration
Much of the first and second floors of ASU’s newest and largest research building, Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building IV (ISTB 4), were designed for Education and Public Outreach (EPO) programming. This facility was designed to include the assets common to most science centers, which include: a 3-D theater and/or planetarium, exhibit galleries, breakout spaces for hands-on laboratories, educational technology and mediated-demonstrational science shows. (View PDF)
The School of Earth and Space Exploration’s ISTB 4 outreach spaces offer a unique opportunity to provide a single-point field trip destination that exposes upper elementary and middle school students to Earth & space science and the essence of science, exploration and discovery.
Our K-12 field trip program is designed to:
- Provide a high-impact, stimulating, motivational experience that creates a STEM education/career attitudinal shift,
- Provide supplemental K-12 STEM education correlated to education standards,
- Provide exposure to “real-world” scientific exploration.
Program details

Our half-day enrichment experience includes a 3-D astronomy show in the Marston Exploration Theater, along with a schedule of activities built around small group rotational modules, each designed to reinforce the spirit of scientific inquiry and exploration. Activities are correlated to the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. This day trip experience is available Tuesdays and Thursdays and costs $7.75 per student.
During 4 to 4.5 hours of onsite programming, students rotate through five activities:
- The Gallery of Scientific Exploration (GSE)
- Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) room
The K-12 field trip experience is priced at $5 to $6.50 per student. For additional information, please contact SESE Outreach.